Upgraded to IndieKit Micropub Server, Feed Tweaks
I should be all switched over to using IndieKit, a micropub server that lets me use various IndieWeb technologies to easily publish to my blog. One of the main features this gives me is media uploads. I can create a short note (aka Twitter posts) and attach one or more images, like this mural and ebike rides post from yesterday.
For those following along via RSS – sorry! Ton noted that my feed was a bit messed up, which was theoretically the last thing to fix.
You can see Pat and I making faces in a previous test post on Wednesday night. But as happens, there was much tweaking to be done.
With my custom post types where I glue in a gallery of images, everything wasn't really working right any more with the jekyll-feeds automatic feed creator.
I implemented an Atom feed manually, which theoretically requires a title for each post. Then, just now, I switched it to an RSS feed, and also found useful templates at snaptortoise/jekyll-rss-feeds – which also links to JSON feed templates at snaptortoise/jekyll-json-feeds.
For those that want to dive even deeper into my setup, I tend to keep my colophon up to date, and took the opportunity to put in an entry about the current state of things.
Please let me know if feeds or anything else seems broken or wrong!