Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker

I finally tried out Nokia Sports Tracker. Here's a screenshot of my workout:

Nokia Sports Tracker - Boris' Workout

Yes, screenshot. Nokia, in their ever loving wisdom, don't have embeds. You can download a version of your "workout" in KML, but you can't embed your route. Update added this suggestion to <a href=">Get Satisfaction</a>.

This is a really interesting service that works well - it's got a great S60 app for your phone with various different modes, and pretty much updates your location in real time both on a map on your phone, as well as beaming it online.

The one issue is that it absolutely *drained* the battery on my N95. We actually spent 6 hours biking around for the Vancouver Bike the Blossoms event, and it would have been great to have a log of the whole event. I charged the phone the night before, so I have no idea why it got so completely drained. Oh, right, and there are the usual Nokia-can't-really-make-web-apps issues, like the fact that I can't share a link to a map of the Vancouver area, showing that there are a dozen or so people using it in this area.

My other comment to Nokia is that if you called this GPS tracker or location tracker rather than Sports Tracker, then a lot more people would use it. I'm tempted to keep it turned on most of the time, just to see GPS tracks of my travels, especially with photos embedded on top of the trip.

You should be able to download the Sports Tracker app from the "Downloads" catalog on your Nokia phone (make sure you get the newest version). It will be easier to set up a Nokia Account (whatever that is) and *then* a Sports Tracker account from your web browser, and then you can enter the Sports Tracker account username / pass into the app on your phone. Mine are the same, since I couldn't figure out a reason why I would want them to be different?

This is part of the long term Archive, originally published on
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